


Rather than use salt, a better way to flavor foods and give it zest, is to add fresh herbs & lemon juice.



1- Nuts are highly nutritious foods, packed with protein, vitamin E, and healthy fats, so make sure you serve them at home. Finely chopped & crushed nuts & nut butters are best for children under five.
2- Many yogurts contain beneficial bacteria known as live active cultures that help boost the levels of good bacteria in your child’s gut. Research shows that probiotic yogurts can help your child recover from a bout of gastroenteritis.
3- Bananas are rich in fiber, including a special type of fiber known as resistant starch that is important for bowel health. Green or firm bananas are higher in resistant starch than ripe bananas.
4- Spinach should be cooked with, or eaten in conjunction with, foods rich in vitamin C, like oranges and tomatoes . This helps the body to absorb the high amount of iron found in this leafy green.
5- Rather than use salt, a better way to flavor foods and give it zest, is to add fresh herbs & lemon juice.
6- Cauliflower & broccoli belong to brassica family & contain anti- cancer compounds know as the glucosinolates.
7- Herbs & spices (cinnamon, clove, oregano, peppermint & thyme) can boost your daily antioxidant levels.

8- Food rephobia is the term used to describe a fear of new foods; very common in children. Research shows that you may have to present a new food or taste, like chili, up to nine times before a child will accept it.
9- Fruit juices can provide a range of vitamins & minerals, including vitamin C folate , potassium & antioxidants . However , due to the concentrated natural fruit sugar (fructose) it’s best to dilute juice with water , especially for young children.
10- The best exercise that works for the body is: when you feel satiety after the workout
11- Without enough vit D, your body absorbs only 10-15% of the calcium in your diet; when you get enough vit D, absorption jumps to 30-50%
12- A kiwi fruit has twice the vitamin C of an orange, as much potassium as banana and less than 100 calories!!!
13- Cherries reduce inflammation and ease the pain of arthritis and gout
14- Only 15 min of sunshine to the face and arms 3*/week will give us adequate amount of vit D
15- Cooking tomatoes with little oil, especially olive oil, boosts Lycopene absorption; lycopene is a potent antioxidant that protects body cells from damage by free radicals)

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